+49 711 8207-0 info@hvonwirth.de

Customs Clearance

Effeciency at your Fingertips – ATLAS

The Automated Tariff and Local Customs Clearance System (ATLAS) is a computerized system that replaces all written documents of customs clearance and a huge relief for movement of goods, aiding in the expedition of documents such as; export declarations, customs declarations, and import tax assessments. This is done through electronic messages in EDIFACT format. The credentials are stored centrally and can be read and edited by the customs authority.

ATLAS transmits required customs-clearance data to other EU member states, allowing communication with other customs authorities within the EU to be organized electronically. Through ATLAS, H. von Wirth can handle all export-import transactions such as:


  • Electronic export procedures
  • Creation of export declarations
  • Customs clearance
  • Permits for outward processing
  • T1 transit document
  • TIR Carnet
  • etc.

Contact us

Neues Feld

11 + 7 =

Waldheimstr. 5 | 70435 Stuttgart

+49 711 8207-0

+49 711 8207-287
